You may be thinking, “I’m not sure if I have enough time to make an impact.”  



But whether you have a lot of time to invest or just a little, there are many ways to get involved at Stillwater Life Services. Our volunteers are a crucial part of our team, and we rely on and value their contributions immensely. Take a look below to find out ways you can get involved today.

Below you will find a listing of our main volunteer opportunities and a brief description. You may fill out our short volunteer interest form or to discuss any of these opportunities further please contact our office at 405-624-3332 or

  • Church Awareness Volunteers 
    This position helps get churches more involved in helping those dealing with unplanned pregnancies. This would include contacting churches concerning various events, needs, and fundraisers. This position would also assist SLS staff in educating the church in how they can become more involved.
  • Mentors – Female
    EWYL is a one-on-one mentoring program that offers three benefits to the client: a relationship with a compassionate and dedicated mentor, education to prepare her for motherhood, and the opportunity to earn items she might need for her baby. EWYL mentors are matched with a client who has chosen to parent her baby and wants support to prepare for the challenge. The curriculum is sent virtually each week and mentors meet monthly with clients.  Mentors are provided for first-time mothers or mothers in special circumstances.  Training is both provided and required. It is also a requirement that the mentor be a mother herself.
  • Mentors – Male
    The 24/7 Dad program offers the same three benefits to the client as does the EWYL program, but the curriculum is specifically geared toward young fathers. 24/7 Dad mentors are matched with male clients who are preparing for fatherhood. The curriculum is sent virtually each week and mentors meet monthly with clients. it is a requirement that they be a father themselves. Training is provided and required.
  • Life Skills Class Facilitator – Male/Female

We attempt to provide quarterly classes with specific interest topics. Each class will need a facilitator. All course information will be provided and topics selected by SLS but if you have a specific gift or talent in an area we would love for you to lead! This would be a once or twice a year commitment but could also be more if you chose to facilitate more than one topic. These classes will include topics such as, Taking care of a home, financial stability, looking for a job, meal planning and meal budgeting, parenting while in school, several specific classes relating to money, and several options surrounding parenting topics.

  • Post-Abortion Program  – Female
    This is an essential Stillwater Life Services program. It is a confidential, safe, support group to help women who have experienced abortion. We ask that volunteers and coordinators for this program be post-abortive and have completed some form of post-abortion counseling themselves. Training is provided and required. Opportunities also exist for post-abortive volunteers to help raise awareness and provide support to women in the church who have been affected by abortion. We will be starting a virtual introduction class in July 2024.
  • Campus Campaign Volunteer 
    The Campus Campaign is an ever-evolving group of volunteers, made up of college students and adults who connect with college students, all of whom have a passion for helping SLS spread awareness on the OSU campus about our services. These volunteers work as a team to develop strategies for outreach on campus. This includes but is not limited to reaching out to different departments, organizations, fraternities and sororities, residence halls, and students. Campus Campaign volunteers also assist in ensuring all material, literature and education resources are made available to campus when allowed.
  • Cleaning Specialist
    Our main office needs regular cleaning from an individual or group that enjoys behind-the-scenes work that truly makes a difference. Our current need is once a month. 
  • Office/Clerical Assistant
    This volunteer position takes many people who are willing to be on an ‘on-call’ list and would help with various office and clerical duties as needed such as stuffing envelopes, printing, and helping with bulk mail projects. These volunteers are needed periodically throughout the year.